I lost it at the scatman remix. I'm actually glad I watched this show so I can indefinitely replay that scene over & over & over...
Marvelous work you guys
I lost it at the scatman remix. I'm actually glad I watched this show so I can indefinitely replay that scene over & over & over...
Marvelous work you guys
super wholesome. great work man :)
You snooze you lose. Took the words right out of my mouth at the end, "what".
Wise words.
trucks! very cool collab
I'm very grateful to have the opportunity to go again for the Winterfest! I was absolutely shocked at how jam packed this version is. This collab was definitely cool ;)
Your contribution was absolutely explosive. Great work!!
I can't believe I actually laughed at the joke. Short & sweet, you got the pacing of dialogue nailed down Zaaz! Awesome start to the year
Haha, I can't take credit for it, it was ad-libbed by Greg, I laughed at it a bit too much as well lol
I really focused on the pacing this time! :)
Thank you, Devoid! :D
Thank you so much! It was a super fun project!
That vomit scene felt completely out of place but man that looked so fun to animate XD I'm curious to know how it went about when you gave the vomit script to the VA's. They did such a great job, all of them, and WTF BROCK BAKER, no wonder I thought I heard yo mama jokes!
I hope you don't mind if I nitpick, but the pacing could use some work. Some pauses felt like it went on for a bit too long. Also, don't be afraid to try out more interesting angle shots as well! The camera angle you used when Senpai found the mouse was hilarious. I would love to see more interesting shots like those from ya! :D
Haha, it completely was, we just wanted to put a gross out scene out of nowhere, it truly was loads of fun to animate lol
I just asked in the script to make various puking sounds, @Trinatan did a wonderful job on that front, and I just went crazy with whatever sound I had in mind XP I'm still surprised Brock Baker agreed to this! He's a swell guy!
I completely agree, the pacing was definitely the worst part, I'll certainly keep that in mind for the future. Thank you! That angle was fun to pull off! Thanks Devoid for the review! :D
SO RAD! Mixed media for the win
This got me good. Loved every moment of it
sax is cool
When I die, lay on me some sick shades so that I can finally become a cool skeleton I always aspired to be (⌐■_■)
La criatura
Getting that edumaca
Joined on 1/3/21